A dull pencil is worth more than the sharpest mind.” 

We at Cursive and more provide different learning resources to facilitate the achievement of writing in cursive. Including, but not limited to, free printable templates, educational YouTube videos and reading material.

Free printable  templates

Print these free handwriting paper to practice cursive handwriting. Lined paper is best when you are first learning to write. 

Free printable blank lined  handwriting paper

How to hold a pencil correctly- Proper Pencil Grip

Giraffe Letters -  l, b, d, h, k, t and f 

Turtle letters -   first set (a, c, o, e and i), second set (m, n, r and s) and third set (u, v, w and x)

Monkey Letters - g, j, p, q, y and z 

Basic Handwriting Strokes for Children